

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Ultra Trail race,  which will be held during 14-15-16 November, aims to offer all runners both an unforgettable race and a great summer closing by combining the technical structure with the magnificent blue and green nature of Marmaris and its surroundings.

In the event, which will host local and foreign athletes of all levels with 100K, 70K, 48K, 30K, 16K and 5K tracks, the runners will start from Marmaris beach, continue from Mezargediği and Yeşil Belde and run into the greenery.  They will pass through Altın Sivri, Dam, Seyir Tepe, Radar Kavşağı, Balan Mountain and finish the race in Marmaris beach.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Ultra Trail

MUT100K 2560+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Ultra Trail, which has a length of 98 km and an elevation of 3.776 m, consists of 60% path, 35% single track and 5% asphalt road.

The race will start at 07:00 on Saturday, November 15. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 22 hours.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Advanced Trail

MAT70K 2841+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Advanced Trail, which has a length of 70 km and an elevation of 2.841 m, consists of 55% path, 35% single track and 10% asphalt road.

The race will start at 07:00 on Saturday, November 15. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 15 hours.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Medium Trail

MMT48K 1480+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Medium Trail, which has a length of 48,2 km and an elevation of 1.480 m, consists of 70% path, 25% single track and 5% asphalt road.

The race will start at 08:00 on Saturday, November 15. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 12,5 hours.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Epic Trail

MET30K 870+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Epic Trail, which has a length of 30,3 km and an elevation of 870 m, consists of 70% path, 10% single track and 20% asphalt road.

The race will start at 08:00 on Saturday, November 15. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue and the maximum finishing time is 7,5 hours.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Short Trail

MST16K 390+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Short Trail, which has a length of 16,7 km and an elevation of 390 m, consists of 65% path, 5% single track, and 30% asphalt road.

The race will start at 09:00 on Saturday, November 15. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue.

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Rookie Trail

MRT5K 130+

ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Rookie Trail, which has a length of 5,5 km and an elevation of 130 m, consists of 65% path, and 35% asphalt road.

The race will start at 08:00 on Sunday, November 16. Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue.










In the event, which will host local and foreign athletes of all levels with 100K, 70K, 48K, 30K, 16K and 5K tracks, the runners will start from Marmaris beach, continue from Mezargediği and Yeşil Belde and run into the greenery.  They will pass through Altın Sivri, Dam, Seyir Tepe, Radar Junction, Balan Mountain, Atatürk Statue and finish the race in Marmaris Harbour.

© Marmaris Ultra