PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS: ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Ultra is open to anyone aged 18 (eighteen) and over who are in possession of either a valid medical certificate(for 76K, 48K and 30K), which does not expire before November 16, 2024 (A medical certificate not older than 6 months is accepted.) and indicates that the person can participate to long distance runs, or a valid license issued by athletic federation, cycling federation, orienteering federation, mountaineering federation or triathlon federation. These documents will be checked by the organisation before the race.

REGISTRATION: Only registered runners can participate to the race. Registrations are made via website. The deadline for registration is November 05, 2024 at 17:00. Transfer of the registration or replacement is not allowed. The deadline for track changes is November 05, 2024 at 17:00.


RACES 03.04.2024




MLT76K 110 € 120 €
MAT48K 95 € 105 €
MMT30K 80 € 90 €
MST16K 55 € 65 €
MRT5K 45 € 55 €

Registration fee must be paid by Visa or MasterCard credit card. Participants who have paid the registration fee will constitute the final registration list. The organisation has the right to adjust this fee under certain conditions.

For the runners that registered with a refundable fee, 100% of the fee will be refunded if the registration has been cancelled until October 16, 2024.

The expiration date of the defined discount codes is October 15, 2024 23:59.

Registration fee includes:

– Bib number

– Time keeping

– Race T-shirt

– Sack

– Food and drink at check  points along the track

– Pasta party before the race

– Refreshments after the race

– Finisher medal for the participants who have successfully completed the race

– Finisher vest for participants who successfully completed MLT76K and MAT48K


Race packs including the race bibs will be distributed on the dates listed below.

Race Kits are only delivered to the people who have registered in the race. The race kits of the runners who have completed their registration but will not be able to participate in the run will be delivered to the persons to be notified to by e-mail, without chest number and without chip.

For kit distribution times and locations please check the Event Program.


MLT76K 16.11.2024 – 06:00 Atatürk Statue
MAT48K 16.11.2024 – 06:00 Atatürk Statue
MMT30K 16.11.2024 – 07:00 Atatürk Statue
MST16K 16.11.2024 – 08:00 Atatürk Statue
MRT5K 17.11.2024 – 09:00 Atatürk Statue

Participants must be at the start point at least 30 minutes before the start of the race.


  • MARMARIS LONG TRAIL 76K: Race will start from Atatürk Statue and will follow Mezargediği, Yeşil Belde, Altınsivri, Baraj, Seyir Tepe, Radar Kavşağı, Balan Dağı and will finish at Atatürk Statue.
  • MARMARIS ADVANCED TRAIL 48K: Race will start from Atatürk Statue and will follow Mezargediği, Yeşil Belde, Karadağ, Mezargediği and will finish at Atatürk Statue.
  • MARMARIS MEDIUM TRAIL 30K: Race will start from Atatürk Statue and will follow Mezargediği and will finish at Atatürk Statue.
  • MARMARIS SHORT TRAIL 16K: Race will start from Atatürk Statue and will follow Armutalan Tepe and will finish at Atatürk Statue.
  • MARMARIS ROOKIE TRAIL 5K: Start and finish points are in Atatürk Statue.

BIB NUMBER: Bib Numbers will be assigned based on the ITRA points of the runners starting from highest ITRA point. Bib numbers are given to each competitor individually if the required conditions are met. ID or passport and mandatory equipment should be presented. Runner’s bib must be clearly visible on the front of the torso, unaltered and unmodified (do not fold or wrinkle or iron), pinned in all four corners, not covered with shirts, jackets, winter wear, runner belts, water bottles, etc. It cannot be placed on the leg or back. The bib number will be controlled at all check points. Runners without a bib number are disqualified.

DROP BAG: Each participant will be provided with a 30 lt bag for the spare items they want to use during the race. Bags must be delivered at the place and time determined by the organisation before the race. Bags will be given back to the runners after the race.

MLT76K Participants should leave their drop bags for Baraj CP at Expo drop bag point latest at Friday, November 15, 22.00.

CHECKPOINTS: Organisation supplies solid and liquid foods during the race. Liquid, hot and solid foods will vary according to distance and need, and these differences will certainly be kept at the level to meet the needs of all runners. Only runners with bib number can benefit from foods and drinks during the race.

TRACK SIGNS: All signs at the tracks will be visible. Critical points will always have direction marks. Reflective marking will be made in places that will be passed in the dark after a certain part of the track. If you do not see the marking even for a short period of time, turn back and check that you are on the right track.

SUPPORTERS: The participants can get help at areas designated by the organisation at the checkpoints from their supporters. The supporters can accompany the participants by running next to them 200 meters before and after the checkpoints. Getting help outside the checkpoints are strictly forbidden.

Maximum finishing times;
MLT76K : 16 hours – Baraj drop bag cut-off time 13 hours
MAT48K : 12,5 hours – Mezargediği cut-off time 9,5 hours
MMT30K : 7,5 hours
Cut offs are very important at the checkpoints. Each checkpoint has a passing time. No matter what time the runners arrives, he/she has to leave the checkpoint before the passing time. Otherwise he/she will be disqualified.

FINISHERS’ BUFFET: Finishers who finish or abandon the race will be able to join the finishers’ buffet which will be serving from 11:00 on November 16, 2024 to 23:00. Finishers buffet will be serving homemade soup, pasta, hot dishes, salad, hot and cold drinks. Only athletes with a bib number can benefit from the Finishers’ Buffet.

SECURITY AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: Organisation will mobilise all its facilities for the safety and health of all runners. Beside the organisation, there are rules that the runners have to comply for their own health and safety and also for others. Every runner should help any person in danger and warn the health and security services. Remember, any danger related to the environment and the race may require you to wait longer than expected. For this reason, your safety depends on the quality of the equipment you put in your bag.
All staff, medics, rescue team and official guides, as well as any person appointed by the organisation may:
Any runner who is considered to be unable to continue the race may be excluded from the race.
He/she can ask any competitor to use his mandatory equipment.
He/she can guide patients to a better treatment according to their needs.
Runner, who calls medical assistance or rescue team, accepts the decisions taken by authorised persons.
Small treatments will be carried out at the discretion and availability of the staff.

LEAVING THE RACE: Except in the case of injury, the runner must not leave the checkpoints. If the runner decides to leave the race between check points, the runner must reach to the nearest checkpoint. Organisation will ensure that runners are picked up as quickly as possible from the track if bad weather conditions cause the race to stop partially or completely,

1. Shortening of the race track / The penalty is determined according to the decision of the organisation.
2. Absence of mandatory equipment  (personal beaker, jacket, headlamp, survival blanket, mobile phone) / disqualification
3. Absence of other mandatory equipment / 1 hour penalty
4. Rejection of checking mandatory equipment / disqualification
5. For any reason to pollute nature / 1 hour penalty
6. To threaten or disturb other runners or organisation during the race / disqualification
7. Not helping other runners in danger / disqualification
8. Being assisted by non-authorised person / 1 hour penalty
9. Cheating (eg. using a vehicle and etc.) / disqualification
10. Absence of bib number and timing chip / The penalty is determined according to the decision of the organisation.
11. Absence of a check point / The penalty is determined according to the decision of the organisation.
12. Refuse to comply with directions or directives from race officers, medical staff or rescue personnel / disqualification
13. Leaving checkpoints after passing time / disqualification
14. Participants running with poles should carry them from start to finish; they cannot leave the poles at any intermediate point. For participants running with poles, leaving them at an intermediate point before the finish is subject to the 1-hour time penalty.

OBJECTIONS and COMPLAINTS: Objections and complaints about the rankings must be submitted to the organisation within 2 hours after the participant passes the finish line. Any other complaint must be submitted to the organisation by e-mail within 10 days after the end of the event. Any other objections or complaints submitted outside of these time limits will not be accepted.

EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS: Organiser reserves the right to cancel the race at any time,  stop the continuing race, change the route, start times, checkpoints and to make any other necessary modification if needed, in order to ensure that the organisation is in good condition.

RESPECT FOR NATURE: Respect for nature, other people and for ourselves…
Mutual cooperation and solidarity, every move made with love, makes great all moments and organisations we participate in. It is our greatest desire to share all the beauties that will be experienced with runners, volunteers, audiences, local people. From this point of view, we have to take care to fragile nature while competing or working in it. Organizing a race with preserving nature should be our main priority. While the number of activities in nature increases day by day, the number of people participating in such organizations increases at the same rate. Thanks to organizations, athletes from different countries witness natural beauties of Turkey and keep coming over again. For this reason, it is the duty of all of us to preserve nature in any region or country.

RESPECT FOR PEOPLE: The races bring together people from various cultures, personalities and different motivations. It is very important to respect others, to understand that every person can be different and to accept it, not to prevent them, not to disturb them and to be empathetic. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the region where the race takes place has its own culture and traditions, so to respect it. In fact, every runner commits himself to respect the local population and all people in the region while registering to the race.

SELF RESPECT: Ultra marathons have some risks because they contain long-term physical and mental struggles. Runners should take small risks (if necessary) and know very well where to stop in order to protect their health. Strong bodies that prepared themselves properly for the race will be ready to make ultra distances.  For this reason, we advise the athletes to be trained properly, to have a good rest, to choose the most suitable races for their experience and not to use any drugs. You can finish the race successfully and healthy when the right conditions that you create for yourself meet with the right conditions we create for you.

RESPONSIBILITIES AND EQUALITY: Races are open to everyone. Rules apply to everyone in the same way. All athletes have the same conditions, responsibilities and rights. It is our responsibility to guarantee the principle of equality, to make the necessary checks and to provide all participants with the best possible race conditions.

RESULTS AND CATEGORISATION: Final results or partial results during the race will be announced on website. The results will be evaluated according to categories below:
– Male / Female Overall
– Male / Female 40- (November 17, 1984 – Born before November 16, 2006)
– Male / Female 40+ (November 17, 1974 – November 16, 1984)
– Male / Female 50+ (November 17, 1964 – November 16, 1974)
– Male / Female 60+ (Born in November 16, 1964 and earlier)


There are no cash prizes. Each participant who completes the race within the time limit will be given a finisher medal.

The Awards Ceremony will be held on 17.11.2024 at 11:00 a.m. at Atatürk Statue.


The participants authorise the Organisation and sponsors to freely use any images and videos depicting them during the event.


Voluntary registration and subsequent participation in ANADOLU SİGORTA Marmaris Ultra indicates full acceptance of the rules and any changes they may have to undergo. By registering, the participant exempts the organisers from any liability, whether civil or criminal, for damage to persons and/or property caused by or to him/her.

© Marmaris Ultra